Monday, August 2, 2010

Packing up the library

Notable among the items crammed into my suitcase are yarn and knitting needles for making a knitted kiwi bird, a bee veil, and numerous Penn State items to be given away to my gracious hosts, and not a few books. I always seem to want to carry around a library wherever I go. This time I have packed the following books:

  • Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra by C.S. Lewis – because these books are awesome traveling stories, small and paperback. Why not complete the set with That Hideous Strength? Because that book is scary, kids.

  • Manalive by G.K. Chesterton – This is another small book about enjoying life that I find myself reading over and over again.

  • Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis – I read this a little while ago while on a solitary retreat and I’m still digesting it.

  • The Kalahari Typing School for Men by Alexander McCall Smith – Another mystery in the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series set in Botswana, always a fun read.

  • A Walk with Jane Austen by Lori Smith – A friend sent me this memoir, which might be more suitable for the hard-core Austenites out there, but sounded pretty interesting.

  • In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson – I gave this one to Ash to read and now have enjoyed several hours of listening to synchronized giggling as Ash and Jared are both reading this book on the plane.


  1. I love the list of books you packed. I can't believe you don't have a poetry anthology. I can remedy this. I'm praying for you all! Miss you!

  2. I don't think one suitcase would be enough yarn for a trip that long, planning on buying souvenir yarn? I hear there's merino sheep down there.

    Still haven't read C.S. Lewis outside of Mere Christianity, Screwtape Letters (you were there for that the first time), and Narnia. You make me feel like I'm missing out.

  3. @Heather: You're right- I would have liked to bring a poetry anthology. What would be most appropriate for this trip? Maybe some GM Hopkins? Dickinson is always good. Something upbeat, perhaps.

    @Anastasia: Don't worry, my suitcase was well under weight on the way over and I have items to ditch while I'm here, so there will be plenty of room for a sheep or two on the way back...
