Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back Home

It's definitely hard to believe, but our time in Melbourne has already come to an end. After a LONG, but very manageable flight from Melbourne to LA, I am home (yes, everyone is happy to have me back--including our cats). It was an incredible two weeks!

Thanks so much for praying for and with us. God indeed has done "immeasurably more". Before we arrived, we only had one appointment set up. Suffice it to say, we have had a lot more since then. And as was the case last week, our meetings this week also were very fruitful. We continue to be amazed at just how promising our developing partnerships seem to be.

Our time here has also greatly benefited Student Life (the campus ministry of Campus Crusade here in Australia). Our conversations with Christian Union have paved the way for a partnership with them for postgraduate ministry. However, it also helped significantly build the relationships and unity between Student Life and Christian Union. It has been a beautiful development to observe and be a part of.

Our time here has also helped Student Life develop inroads to a very strategic space on campus. For years, Student Life has wanted to be able to minister to the students at Melbourne University's Trinity Residential College. Unfortunately, they have been flatly refused that opportunity.

On Friday, we met with graduate students involved with the Christian Union (CU) grad/staff group at Melbourne University for lunch. Guess where? Yep--Trinity Residential College. It turns out that the Conference, Catering, and Hospitality Manager of Trinity (Mark) is involved in the CU grad staff group. So, he hosted everyone for lunch. While there, Mike (our host from Student Life) talked with Mark. Afterwards, Mark gave Mike and Student Life the freedom and invitation to pursue whatever ministry God put on their heart for Trinity. How cool is that?!

So, you may be wondering what our next steps are for helping to build a grad movement in Melbourne. Great question. We have been asking the same one. Right now, it seems that what the movement there needs next are a few key student or staff (by the way staff=faculty in Australia) leaders that we could help resource and coach. As of now, the CU staff in Melbourne don't know of any people that could fill that role. Please pray with us for the Lord to surface those individuals.

While you are praying, please pray for Jared and Tracy as they continue our travel. Jared is spending the week in Perth (Western Australia) and then returns home. Tracy is in New Zealand this week before returning home.

Thanks again for going with us to Melbourne. I am already thinking about our next trip.

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